Heat-treating today must be as advanced as the industries it serves, requiring precise knowledge, understanding and exact control of heating and cooling metals in any alloy combination. Through carefully controlled atomic manipulation, we are able to alter the structural composition of metals to precise, predetermined properties, enabling components of thousands of other devices to perform their intended function.
In our industry, a steel sheet or steel alloy sheet may undergo eight or more different heat-treating operations in order to be shaped into the ideal final product. For this reason, accuracy and knowledge of each of these techniques is critical to effective heat treatment:
Flattening & Straightening
Quench & Temper
Sand Blasting
Stress Relieve
Approved by prime contractors in the aerospace, defense, energy, electronics, transportation and communications industries, R.S. Miles has an international reputation for its depth and range of expertise.
Let us know the specifics and our heat-treating steel experts will do the rest.